Basics Breakdown Yoga Class

Basics Breakdown Yoga Class
During this 90 minute group yoga session, you will be guided through a practice where we will slowly break down key yoga postures (asanas) focusing on correct alignment and modification options suited for you.
Minimum 6 students for attendance
Initial $25 purchase acts as deposit, remaining total for other attendees will be invoiced after checkout and details are confirmed
$35/person for less than 6 (3-5 students): contact directly to arrange
Whether experienced in yoga or just beginning, the basics are always worth coming back to time and time again. Over the duration of 90 minutes, this group workshop will dive into a variety of asanas that help build a solid foundation for a strong practice. Often in life and on our yoga mat, once we have achieved the basics we tend to immediately move on to reach that “next level” or goal. Taking the time to understand the importance of the fundamentals and that without them, the advanced stuff isn’t attainable. We will be spending some quality time breaking down postures with correct alignment cues, variations and modifications that suite you.
Key take-aways will include:
- A Sun Salutation A and B flow that works for you
- Helpful alignment cues for Virbhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1), Virbhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2), Dandasana (Plank), Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) and more!
- Bonus core sequencing to use at home
Minimum 5 students for attendance
Initial $25 purchase acts as deposit, remaining total for other attendees will be invoiced after checkout and details are confirmed