Free Expression Studio
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 William Nelson and James Nelson


White Cap, Grey Whale, Green Sea

William and James Nelson
Oil on canvas
18x24 framed


When You Buy a Painting, You Become a “Patron of the Arts”.  Here’s Why.

The Arts have always relied heavily on patronage.  Without the generosity of art collectors, the arts would wither and die. 

For Art to continue, artists must receive some measure of compensation for the innumerable hours and invested dollars spent developing, displaying, and conserving the art they create.  Even when a sale is made for what seems to be a handsome price, the hourly wage return to the artist may amount to little more than minimum wage!

Some famous examples of art patronage throughout history:

1)     In the movie The Agony and the Ecstasy, Pope Julius II famously cries out to Michelangelo (played by Charlton Heston, lying on is back on his scaffolding while painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel): “When will you make and end?” To which Michelangelo replies: “When I am finished!” 

2)     The Medici family of Florence, Italy, famously sponsored the work of Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, and Leonardo DaVinci.  They also sponsored the scientific work of Galileo.  Without the support of this family, we might never have the Mona Lisa,,,or Ninja Turtles…and we might still believe the sun revolves around the earth.

Like a donating to a good cause, the purchase of a piece of art is more than the acquisition of an object.  It’s an investment into a heathy, vibrant human society. 

The artworks by William Nelson, on display at this gallery, are the result of a lifetime of painting.  Bill Nelson, and his artist wife Eleanor, focused over 40 years on the creation of masterfully painted Impressionistic art, much of it done in and around Port Townsend, Washington. Their creative efforts are combined with 25 years of careful and meticulous preservation and conservation of this collection by son, Jim Nelson. 

The preservation of artwork requires special climate-controlled storage. The display of the work requires hours of preparation (stretching, framing, transport, etc.).  To this end--here in Prosser--Jim has built a climate-controlled conservation facility where he is able to safely store and frame these pieces for display and for sale. 

(Pictured) Inside the climate-controlled conservation facility where Jim Nelson is able to safely store and frame these pieces for display and for sale.

(Pictured) The climate-controlled conservation facility where Jim Nelson is able to safely store and frame these pieces for display and for sale.

(Pictured) Inside the climate-controlled conservation facility where Jim Nelson is able to safely store and frame these pieces for display and for sale.

The cost of doing this is enormous. The returns are few.  So, if you see a painting or a lithograph you fancy, please remember the purchase of that piece not only adds a touch of beauty to your life, but your purchase directly contributes to the preservation and conservation of an entire artwork collection. 

Meaning with your purchase - like the Medici family of old - you have just become a Patron of the Arts!